Free online dictionaries - Spanish, French, Italian, German and more. Conjugations, audio pronunciations and forums for your questions.
German pronunciation may present a difficulty to people starting to learn German. The pronunciation rules in the German language are very complicated. There are a lot of German letters that can be pronounced in different ways. This tool will serve you as an German pronunciation guide and will ...
Understanding German pronunciation is the first step toward understanding the German language. Once you know how to pronounce each letter and letter combination, you can face those long, consonant-filled words with ease! Click here to read this German pr
Translate socat from French to German using Glosbe automatic translator that uses newest achievements in neural networks.
Define German language. German language synonyms, German language pronunciation, German language translation, English dictionary definition of German language. Noun 1. German language - the standard German language; developed historically from West Germa
Ultralingua makes apps for people who love languages. You can count on our French-German dictionary to provide all the content you need, along with extra features that help you get the most out of the dictionary. Use our verb conjugation tool to find complete conjugations of thousands of verbs...
Ultralingua makes apps for people who love languages. You can count on our French-German dictionary to provide all the content you need, along with extra features that help you get the most out of the dictionary. Use our verb conjugation tool to find complete conjugations of thousands of verbs...
German pronunciation is not only logical, but it’s also very similar to English and many other Indo-European languages in many respects. This has always fascinated me, why do people think that German speakers always sound angry? German uses the same “r” sound as the French language, which...
Pay attention to pronunciation Take notes Can I learn a language by watching movies? It definitely can! But it also depends on what you wish to learn. You might have heard of people learn a new language solely by watching movies. But the reality is there are things that movies are good ...
Peugeot pronunciation Pronunciation byNatural_French_Pronunciation(Male from France) Follow 0 votesGoodBad Add to favorites Download MP3 Report View all Phrases Peugeot example in a phrase Les voituresPeugeotne sont pas très chères. Les voitures Peugeot ne sont pas très chères. pronunciation ...