Lights, camera, Blender! If you're an aspiring filmmaker or a video editing enthusiast, you know the power of a well-placed camera angle in creating captivating visuals. Whether you're working on a short film, animation project, or even a product showcas
In this beginner-level Blender tutorial, learn how to model a low-polygon Jack-O-Lantern pumpkin! Blender 2.8 or a higher version is all you need, no external add-ons are used in this workflow.
Zoom: The zooming action is quite natural in Blender, much like any other software. Just scroll the mouse wheel up and down to zoom out and zoom in on the scene. Projection Blender offers two distinct view modes to users, one for 3D objects and the other for 2D. To switch between the...
Just like any 3D modeling project, modeling a hairstyle is best done when moving from big shapes to small. Need a model to work with? We have you covered download this Blender 3D Model of a human head here. Starting with the big shape, the key is not to spend too much time tweaking...
I am trying to implement rendering points on top of geometry as in Blender. The algorithm is as follows: rendering is done through PointList without depth test. The depth test is done manually in the shader. We have a point. (Let's say a 5x5 square). And I compare the depth of the...
If you're looking for a quick and easy project in Blender, or just need to create a 3D model from a 2D reference image, then we've got you covered!
Sverchok has achieved many "firsts" in blender node tree ecosystem, but has not been recognized to any great extent - but if we had done any of this for large scale recognition the project wouldn't have survived much. I can't speak for everyone in team-sverchok, but primarily we do ...
Focus on your job title or degree, add a good word to describe yourself, and mention your professional experience. Plus, skip personal pronouns. Here’s an example: Motivated project manager with 5+ years of experience in creative agencies. 2. Show Skills Tailored to the Job Posting Next, ...
A global view of the resultant model shows that the MS- and C-rings stack with a tilt angle of 4° (Fig. 6a). This non-coaxial stacking is similar to what was observed between MS-ring and LP-ring in previous structures6,12 (Fig. 6a). When considering the intact motor (Fig. 6a)...
If you want to work out exactly what the highest resolution HDRI you can create with your lens-camera combo, here’s a formula: (1/(<vertical field of view in degrees>/360))*<vertical resolution of camera> You can find the vertical field of view by googling the exact name of the len...