152.blender每日小技巧152 - 如何设置刚体的重心How to set the centre of weight in a rigid body 01:18 153.blender每日小技巧153 -油脂 铅笔向导Grease pencil guides 01:01 154.blender每日小技巧154 - 油脂铅笔切刀工具Grease pencil cutter tool 01:10 155.blender每日小技巧155 - 对象模式下的视口...
262.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 262 - 将对象对齐到相机视图Align Objects to Camera View (Bl 01:13 264.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets264 - Snapping bones (Blender 2.8) 00:48 263.blender每日小技巧Blender Secrets 263 - 关键帧动画渲染可见性Keyframe Animate Render Visibili 01:06 b站重磅...
1) I'm really struggling with the viewport. In DAZ Studio, the view is always through a camera but this is not the case in Blender. I can't figure out a way - even after several video tutorials on cameras - how to operate like I do in DAZ Studio where what I see in the viewpor...
裁剪近平面、远平面,相机焦距/视野,偏移(Projection矩阵) 这些都属于摄像机内部的数据,而非物体信息。这些参数分别对应: >>>bpy.data.objects['Camera'].data.lens# 焦距, 单位mm(blender的尺度单位一般是m)50.0>>>bpy.data.objects['Camera'].data.angle# field of view (FOV),弧度值0.6911112070083618>>>bpy...
For most simple 3D models, Blender has an automatic set of unwrapping algorithms that you can easily apply. For more complex 3D models, regular Cubic, Cylindrical or Spherical mapping, is usually not sufficient. For even and accurate projection, use seams to guide the UV mapping. This can be...
Projection Mapping with Blender https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa1F2ddGya_9XER0wnFS6Mgnp3T-hgSZO 2017Blender大会全视频,许多很棒的演讲。大部分是英语自动英语字幕
Blender Secrets 029 - Quickly Set Up HDRI Lighting.mp4 Blender Secrets 030 - Volumetric Light Through A Window.mp4 Blender Secrets 031 - Super Quick Circular Array.mp4 Blender Secrets 032 - Randomize Grain.mp4 Blender Secrets 033 - 3 Different Ways To Fill.mp4 Blender Secrets 034 - Super Easy...
Finally, we need to set our camera to how we want it. To do this, select the camera object in the object collection (top right) then set the following values:In the object properties panel, set the location X and Y values to 0, and the Z to 3. Then set the rotation X Y and ...
Editing 接下来在编辑模式下全选模型,快捷键是a,然后按U,在调出的菜单中选Cubic Projection,左边就是展开后的纹理。4导入图片,点击左下角的Image按钮,选择OpenImage...环境 ubuntu12.04 64bitBlender2.68 准备好一张正方形的贴图,比如这个:1打开blender,默认就有一个我们要的正方体模型2选择编辑模式,然后是边编辑模...
Can be accessed from the 3D view side bar under Plumber (recommended), or alternatively from File -> Import -> Plumber -> Browse game files.The browser only browser supported file types by default. This can be changed to display all files by opening the arrow on the lower left corner of...