How to print an array in PHP? 1) print_r() function: 2) var_dump() function: 3) json_encode() function: 4) foreach() loop: Introduction An array is one kind of data structure, which can store multiple items of related data types. The printing of an array is one of the fundamen...
array_name[index] Printing an ArrayThere are two methods to print all the elements of the array (print array): Using iteration Using string conversionPrinting elements of array using iterationWe can print the elements of the array by integrating over all the elements of the array and then ...
array_2d = numpy.array([[45, 55, 25,67],[90, 10, 20, 30]]) print("2D-array: ", array_2d) In the above code: The “numpy.array()” is used to create the “1-D” and “2-D” array. The “print()” function accepts the numpy array as an argument and displays it on t...
Use thecopyFunction to Print Out an Array copy()function is implemented in the STL<algorithm>library and offers a powerful tool for range-based operations.copytakes start and endpoint iterators of the range as the first two parameters. In this case, we pass an output stream iterator as the ...
Theprint_rPHP function is used to return an array in a human readable form. It is written as: print_r($your_array) In this example, an array is defined and printed. The tagindicates the following code is preformatted text. This tag causes the text to be displayed in a fixed-width fo...
Printing an Array in PHP To print or echo an array in PHP, you can use the print_r($variable, $return) or var_dump($variable1, $variable2, ...) functions. The print_r() function prints information about the passed variable in human-readable form. The first parameter is the "varia...
Re: How to print an array of char backward. hank wrote: I have this code here, it converts decimal numbers to binary. There is one problem. The output is printed 'in reverse' and I have no clue at all how to solve this problem. > Output of program: > Decimal number: 10 Binary ...
PrintUtils.print(strArray);int[] intArray = {1,3,5,7,9}; PrintUtils.print(intArray);//2d array or nested arrayString[][] strArrayDeep =newString[][]{{"mkyong1","mkyong2"}, {"mkyong3","mkyong4"}}; PrintUtils.print(strArrayDeep);int[][] intArrayDeep =newint[][]{{1,3,...
Hello, first i have a variable set to #. string a = “#“; Than I have an string array with some variables inside: string [,] name = new string [,] { {“_“}, {a}}; Later in this code, i set the variable a to “O“. At the end i print the array name with foreach....
In Scala,array_name.foreach(println)is another way to iterate through each element in an array calledarray_nameand print each element to the console using theprintlnfunction. Example Code: objectMyClass{defmain(args:Array[String]):Unit={varmarks=Array(97,100,69,78,40,50,99)println("Array...