We can print Java ArrayList object’s items using a loop. Here, we use theforloop to go through everyModelClassobject insidemodeListand call thegetName()function, which returns the name. importjava.util.ArrayList;publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){ArrayList<ModelClass>modelList;Mo...
In Python, the array data structure is used to store the collection of data with the same data type. The list which is also referred to as a dynamic array is used to create the array in Python. The “Numpy” module also provides a function named “array()” which is used to create ...
In the above code, we have created an array of integer values and then use the for loop to iterate over the elements of the array using the print statement.Printing elements of the array using string conversion methodWe can print array using the string conversion method, i.e. converting ...
How to print an array in PHP? 1) print_r() function: 2) var_dump() function: 3) json_encode() function: 4) foreach() loop: Introduction An array is one kind of data structure, which can store multiple items of related data types. The printing of an array is one of the fundamen...
Use thecopyFunction to Print Out an Array copy()function is implemented in the STL<algorithm>library and offers a powerful tool for range-based operations.copytakes start and endpoint iterators of the range as the first two parameters. In this case, we pass an output stream iterator as the ...
PrintUtils.print(intArray);//2d array or nested arrayString[][] strArrayDeep =newString[][]{{"mkyong1","mkyong2"}, {"mkyong3","mkyong4"}}; PrintUtils.print(strArrayDeep);int[][] intArrayDeep =newint[][]{{1,3,5,7,9}, {2,4,6,8,10}}; ...
print_r($your_array) In this example, an array is defined and printed. The tagindicates the following code is preformatted text. This tag causes the text to be displayed in a fixed-width font. It preserves line breaks and spaces, making it easier for the human observer to read. Read Mo...
Hello, first i have a variable set to #. string a = “#“; Than I have an string array with some variables inside: string [,] name = new string [,] { {“_“}, {a}}; Later in this code, i set the variable a to “O“. At the end i print the array name with foreach....
This approach allows you to create a list with a certain number of predefined values. So, let’s say we are creating a program that asks us to name our top 10 favorite books. We want to initialize an array that will store the books we enter. We could do so using the following code...
The following example shows how to sort an array of strings using the current culture: C# string[] lines = [@"c:\public\textfile.txt",@"c:\public\textFile.TXT",@"c:\public\Text.txt",@"c:\public\testfile2.txt"]; Console.WriteLine("Non-sorted order:");foreach(stringsinlines) { ...