With long-haul flights a big part of my work, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to overcome jet lag, and beat it at its own game. Some travel writers said that they barely notice changes to their circadian rhythm, and that long-term travel leads to more of the same. But my own b...
How to prevent jet lagMarch 30, 2021 Written by Tuck StaffAh, jet lag: that general sense of exhaustion that accompanies air travel. Travel east and you find yourself staying up late, unable to sleep, and sluggish in the morning. Travel westward and you experience the reverse, bounding ...
One of the best ways to prevent jet lag is to adjust your habits before you even get on the plane. When we were crossing multiple time zones on a trip, we found that doing this really helped us minimize the effects of jet lag when we were at the destination. ...
Jet lag This is one of the lesser travel problems. While many people use jet lag just to mean tired, it is an actual condition. It's caused when your natural body clock gets out of sync after crossing time zones. Your body still thinks it's one time but the world is operating at ...
You must cross multiple time zones over a short period of time to have it. Jet lag can leave you feeling fried in the mornings, and wired at night when you’re trying to fall asleep in a new part of the world (or when you back home from a trip). Symptoms include exhaustion, ...
What can you do to prevent jet lag? Drink Water and Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine Reaching for coffee or soda may be our first instinct when we're tired, but it's not the best thing to do for our bodies. Similarly, it's a myth that a cocktail, wine, or beer will help you sleep...
It’s not going to be easy to prevent jet lag completely. However you can apply some simple strategies to reduce the effects. Strategic flight times:If you pick a flight that will have you arrive at your destination in the early evening, then you won’t have too long to wait until it...
What can you do to prevent jet lag? Drink Water and Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine Reaching for coffee or soda may be our first instinct when we're tired, but it's not the best thing to do for our bodies. Similarly, it's a myth that a cocktail, wine, or beer will help you sleep on...
14. Fight the jet lag Jet lag can be tough, especially when you travel east. Among other things, it can affect your mood, cause headaches, and insomnia, and make you irritable. This is something I experienced firsthand after I landed inSri Lanka. I had trouble falling asleep and didn’...
Numerous things can throw off your sleep schedule, from the mundane (shift work and jet lag) to the stressful (sleep disorders and recent life upheavals). When it happens, we might find ourselves staying up until 4 a.m. and waking up at noon. ...