If you are of legal age to consent to the procedure, youcantechnically choose to have a hysterectomy. However, a doctor will likely counsel you to strongly consider other options if you are still of childbearing age. Once you have a hysterectomy, there’s no going back. You won’t be ab...
Tips for FTMs to Prepare for Gender Transition Surgery My top tips to prepare for FTM gender transition surgery! You can help to ensure the successful outcome of any surgeries you have in your gender transition journey if you prepare for gender transition surgery thoroughly. This post will help...
Spaying (Ovariohysterectomy): Spaying is moreinvasiveas it involves theremoval of the ovaries and uterusthrough an incision in the abdomen. Because of this, the recovery period tends to belonger—typically10 to 14 days. During this time, it’s crucial tomonitor the incision sitefor any signs...
Gone was the illusion of “Good Luck” or “Fate” or “Meant To Be.” I entered a period of my life at that time where I felt the most vulnerable, and unsure of most of the things I believed and hoped to be true: That I would get to choose how many children I would have, th...
If you no longer have a uterus (due to hysterectomy), then you would just take estrogen. 3 Choose a method of administration that suits your needs. Menopausal hormone therapy provides estrogen and progesterone, or just estrogen, to supplement those hormones as your body adjusts to the ...