Recovering from hysterectomy : an exploratory study of how women manage following discharge from hospitalBlues, Maureen L. Giddins
Meeting chatty Bridget, it's hard to believe she's fought breast, bone and liver cancer since first being diagnosed in 2003 and had a hysterectomy to stop the disease spreading. She puts her successful battle down to a holistic approach, … Read...
I’ve long said that I’m aiming for progress, not perfection. Aiming for perfection just sets us up for disappointment, as it’s not possible for us to be perfect. But progress doesn’t always look how we think it will. Sometimes our progress comes from making mistakes and deriving powe...
Post-operative fatigue nega- tively impacts the daily lives of patients recovering from hysterectomy. Obstet Gynecol 2002;99:51-7.De Cherney AH, Bachrnann G, Isaacson K, et al. Postoperative fatigue negatively impacts the daily lives of patients recovering from hysterectomy [J]. Obstet Gyn...
Animals Fifteen healthy female, client-owned dogs recovering from general anesthesia following elective ovariohysterectomy. Interventions All dogs received the same standardized anesthetic protocol (acepromazine, morphine, propofol, and isoflurane in oxygen). After extubation, a pediatric helmet was placed on...
hysterectomypainIn this randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, the efficacy and safety of rofecoxib 50 mg was evaluated in patients undergoing major abdominal gynecologic surgery. Patients were randomized to receive rofecoxib 50 mg (n = 81) or placebo (n = 83) 2 hours before ...