Pray more, love more, give more, be patient, and wait it out. Suck it up, stuff it down, be quiet and don’t make waves. What Is Real? I have identified four distinct stages in the journey to wholeness. Desperate Our lives become (or continue to be) a carefully constructed illusion...
Having the other person conform to our desires so we will love them is manipulation, not love. Focusing on “what’s in it for me” is a death knell for true love. Yet, as mothers, we sometimes forget that in our relating to our adult children. When we can view them with some deta...
Many people believe that the only way to know you’re walking a “proper” or valuable is if you get the approval of social institutions (or shall I say social marketplaces) in the form of degrees and PhDs. The deep distrust we are conditioned to develop in ourselves paralyzes our abili...
During that time, there were no sole reggaeton and Latin trap festivals in the region — the closest being 2018’s Latinx indie-heavy Tropicalia in Long Beach. The pair tapped an open market, attracting prospective attendees from both sides of the border all the way up to Lo...
Knowing how to memorize a prayer creates total mental peace and connection. From the Lord's Prayer to the Apostle's Creed, learn it all now.
Stories come in many different shapes, called story arcs (read ourcomplete story arc guide here).The inciting incident's job is to begin the movement of the plot along the actual story arc, whether up or down. Some stories have events that begin movement in a negative direction, likeDie ...
There are many singer/songwriter moments that border on Latin indie:"WELTiTA"is an actual collaboration with Puerto Rican indie band Chuwi; "TURiSTA" is a sensitive bolero sung to a past lover. "En mi vida fuiste turista / tu solo viste lo mejor de mi y no lo que yo sufría,...
What is the latin for “Gay Lobby”? We need something to go with “delenda est!” Good question! First, we have to workout what “lobby” means. In these USA “lobby” is a kind of political entity, a group that advocates with lawmakers for this or that. However, in Italian, wher...
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After all, “ethics” and “morality” respectively come from Greek and Latin words referring to our character and our social customs. The very point of ethics is to learn how to live pro-socially. Once we are more comfortable with the first two disciplines, then, we can move to refine ...