Paternoster- (Roman Catholic Church) the Lord's Prayer in Latin; translates as `our father' Mass card- (Roman Catholic Church) a card sent to a bereaved family that says the sender has arranged for a Mass to be said in memory of the deceased ...
Lord’s Prayer.—Although the Latin term oratio dominica is of early date, the phrase “Lord’s Prayer” does not seem to have been generally familiar in England before the Reformation. During the Middle Ages the “Our Father” was always said in Latin, even by the uneducated. Hence it ...
Our Father Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, ...
That is 6,027 meals a day, in one city. Does anyone really have any desire to see what our nation (and our taxes) would look like without these businesses and the services they provide? 2. “The church is trying to interfere with women’s rights!” As Cardinal Dolan has noted, “...
Evening Prayers: To Help You Reflect On Your Day With Our Lord Are you worn out at the end of your day? Let our Lord help give you rest, strength and guidance in evening prayers! Latin Prayers: An Aid to Holiness Prayers in Latin can provide us great heavenly grace using "the universa...
CommonSpirit Health announced in 2021 it would partner with Ask Tia to create “a new front door to health care for women.” The partnership, uncovered by the pro-life organization Save the Storks, “enables the two health care leaders to launch Tia-branded women’s health clinics together th...
Angel (Latin angelus; Greek aggelos; Hebrew MLAK, from the root: LAK means “one going” or “one sent”: messenger). Read more from the Catholic Encyclopedia.
When you took our nature to save mankind, you did not shrink from birth in the Virgin's womb. You overcame the power of death opening the Father's kingdom to all who believe in you. Enthroned at God's right hand in the glory of the Father, you will come in judgment according to ...
This is the business of our life: by labor and prayer to advance in the grace of God, till we come to that height of perfection in which, with clean hearts, we may behold God. –St. Augustine Quiet Moment St. Thomas Aquinas – The Blessed Virgin, by becoming the Mother of God, rec...
May the grace of the Heavenly Father be with you as the Holy Spirit teaches you how to pray in the Most Holy Name of Jesus through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, the Immaculate Heart of Mary. ||| ||| ||| ||| | Blessings...