(or you're not working thinking hard enough). Don't be lazier than you would be in a contest, don't give up because you don't want to think harder on details, don't think/implement leisurely. It is important to practice making observations on your own, and you should be solving pro...
SQL Programming Scala Schoolby Twitter Fluent Pythonintermediate level book about Python Intro to Scalain Russian on Stepik by Tinkoff Bank The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Pythonby Kenneth Reitz & Tanya Schlusser Learn Python 3 The Hard Wayby Zed A. Shaw ...
This empowers data analysts to efficiently retrieve and process data from databases.Begin by solidifying your understanding of fundamental database management and SQL concepts. Simultaneously, engage in regular practice on platforms like HackerRank and LeetCode. This dual approach establishes a strong ...
Online challenges on platforms like CodeWars, HackerRank, and LeetCode offer a dynamic approach to mastering JavaScript. Games like “Capture the Flag” are designed to hone coding skills and bridge the gap between theory and practice, fostering a better understanding of the language. 3. Showcase...
To remove this problem from the equation, I would suggest you use one learning resource, and while learning from there, make sure to do the hands-on practice. Here are the important Python fundamental concepts you need to learn : Step 2: Master Data Structures and Algorithms Concepts There...
1. You can use Leetcode Premium to solve company-tagged problems1.您可以使用Leetcode Premium来解决公司标签的问题 2. Explore tab in Leetcode Premium — lnkd.in/g3_dHef42. Leetcode Premium 中的探索选项卡 — lnkd.in/g3_dHef4 3. Practice using Leetcode’s Interview tab → Assessment → ...
CodinGame: This site features 25+ programming languages to practice through games, puzzles, and competitions. LeetCode: 2,000+ practice problems build skills in algorithms, database structures, and 14 programming languages. Sphere Online Judge(SPOJ): Code and build algorithms through more than 20...
So now what kind of interview question do you need to practice instead of just in your own imagination. Think about how to grow. So that's one thing. 00:40:41 If we have time, there's another thing. I think a lot of times data scientists and machine learning engineer, they are ...
Other Coding Problems from Interviews You can Practice How to find a missing number in a sorted array? (solution) How to find the square root of a number in Java? (solution) How to check if a given number is prime or not? (solution) 10 Free Courses to learn Data Structure and Algorit...
Joining Data in SQL PostgreSQL Summary Stats and Window Functions The best resources on SQL areModern SQLandUse The Index, Luke!Practice makes perfect that is why go to theLeetcode Databasesproblem set and start practicing 💪. By the way, do not forget to read my article onSQL window func...