英文网址:leetcode.com/ 中文网址:leetcode-cn.com/ 一般大家看到 leetcode 第一印象是刷算法题的,其实 leetcode 上也有关于 SQL 的题目,而且可以在线测评,和评测算法题一样,也会让你很直观的看到自己所写的 SQL 的运行速度等,同样可以去借鉴别人优化好的 SQL,与自己的对比,将好的用法学会,这样的提升是很快...
The LeetCode venture does not limit itself to the candidates. Still, in this age of aggressive competition among companies to hire the right talent, it also helps enterprises, startups, and companies identify and pick suitable candidates. The numerous services offered by the companies include spon...
无需注册。 4. SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution - w3resource 题量丰富但基础,提供可交互的编程窗口,但界面不够友好。适合已经大体掌握SQL后巩固之用。 无需注册。 5. SQL exercises 题量丰富且困难,出题的人考虑到了实际使用时的一些坑爹场景。适合刷题解闷,理解SQL运行的深层逻辑。网站风格古老。标准答案有时...
5. LeetCode If you are a Leetcode user, you can practice SQL on it too. Thecollection of SQL questionson LeetCode is quite diverse, with varying difficulty levels and topics. You can also filter questions by the tag: the tags correspond to the names of the companies. However, you can ...
ExercismOver 48 languages and 2600 exercises LeetCodePractice programming online A better approach might be to actually write some DevOps related scripts or projects. Start simple. Here are some ideas: Write a script that gets a number of instances and a name of a platform (AWS, local, Azure...
Useful links, scripts, tools and best practice for Microsoft SQL Server Database - ktaranov/sqlserver-kit
考虑到易用性和普及度,课程内容采用MySql进行介绍,对教材内容进行了整合,具体的目录参见下方,每个章节附带了练习题,最后一个章节是 leetcode练习题和大厂面试题,顺利完成本课程学习后,应付初级SQL面试不在话下,还等什么呢?现在就开始吧~~ 目录 Task00:绪论 - 环境搭建 1. MySQL 8.0 的安装 2. 连接 MySQL 并...
article. Remember, the best way to cement the concepts and get better at SQL is by practicing and solving SQL problems. Some of the examples above were inspired byW3School. You can find more interactive exercises in websites likehackerrankandLeetCodewhich have engaging UI to help you study ...