You can thank God for the opportunity to practice growing in love and grace. Remind yourself that God has commanded us to not seek revenge, even in passive-aggressive ways (dirty looks, sarcasm, the silent treatment, etc.). When Sin Needs to Be Addressed This doesn’t mean sin should nev...
I noticed several things as I read these two chapters. First, twice in chapter 1, the Israelites were told to bring an animal “without blemish.” These were to be the best of the herd or flock. They were not to say, “Well, we might as well sacrifice this one, he’s probably not...
If you have faith in God and believe Christianity is the truth, obedience is the practice of living by faith, obeying the teachings of the Bible. Read some of the best scripture quotes about obedience in this collection of Bible verses and find three simple ways to practice obedience below....
Transform your parish office from a bureaucratic burden to a beacon of discipleship with “Management as Mission. This book is Free on January 29, 2025 Kindle The Affirmation Revolution: Unleashing Your Potential Through the Power of Words by Hiba Witwit: Unlock the extraordinary power within you...
It’s funny—you would think that with a homeschool environment consisting of three people during most of the day, our family would have plenty of natural chances to practice solitude. This is not the case. I blame the children. My children are not wild or crazy or loud…but their person...
adults are open to using AI.) This is notable: Though older generations generally lack trust and excitement about AI, they maintain some level of positivity about the technology. It’s not all “doom and gloom” for them; it seems older adults just need more time, proof and practice. So...
•To practice selfpromotionand selfdefense •To communicateitsselfishneeds in a relationship •To make time and space foritself (Gal. 2:20) •To set limits in a relationship in a way that is“self”-centered When seeing the “Self” for who really is, your worst enemy, evil with...
The Bible explicitly warns against the practice of spiritual fascinations. Just as the agents of God exist in this invisible place, so do the agents of Satan. The demonic forces want to lure us into their deceptions of power and supernatural activities. Witchcraft, horoscopes...
Becoming a Missional Family: Short booklet with ideas for how to teach kids about missions Should you celebrate Halloween?: Blog post that layout out the spectrum of opinions 10 Reasons Why Children Shouldn’t Ask Jesus Into Their Heart: Sports discipleship ideas: Audio and print resources about...
How to Practice Peace When You Need It Most: An Interview with Kristen Kill The Sacred Enneagram: An Interview with Christopher L. Heuertz Filed under Books, Discipleship, Interviews Tagged as Christian faith, spiritual formationSearch the Blog Search the Bible Follow @biblegateway Su...