A lot of pastors argue that kids will be drawn too or have closer relationships to younger adults because they have more in common is also not true. Many kids are suffering the loss of a parent through divorce. These kids yearn for a…READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE ON MY BLOG/Parents i...
21 Laws of Discipleship--the book--now available onAmazon While the Bible Study has been available for sometime, we have just released the bookThe 21 Laws of Discipleship. Following Jesus isn’t hard—Jesus said it would be easy (Matthew 11.30)—but it is a bit complicated. For example…...
21 Laws of Discipleship--the book--now available onAmazon While the Bible Study has been available for sometime, we have just released the bookThe 21 Laws of Discipleship. Following Jesus isn’t hard—Jesus said it would be easy (Matthew 11.30)—but it is a bit complicated. For example…...
Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more. https://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/topic/1324-q1-cultural-values/ ...
Please don't subscribe your friends; let them decide for themselves. First Last E-mail Country (2-letter abbreviation, such as US) Preferred Format HTML (recommended) Plain text Discipleship for New Believers In-depth Bible study books You can purchase one of Dr. Wilson's complete ...
To many outsiders and parents, it appears we just put on two programs a week. While we both know there is much more to youth ministry (i.e. evangelism, mission, discipleship, fellowship, service, worship, parent ministry, etc.), I want us to step back and give an honest assessment of...