If you do have a soundfont, clickUpload the soundfontand select yoursf2orsf3file. Playing ClickUpload your MIDI files. Select the.midor.rmifiles you want to play. You can select multiple files. Use buttons at the bottom orkeybindsto control the playback. Note: When you select one file, ...
Movement capped at 30 fps: The game used to have movement at 60fps, but this was changed later on because it causes a bug with enemeny movement. The fps cap is way worse than whatever bug it causes, so just downgrade your version. Open the Steam console (google to find out how) and...
"It's stopped me being so negative, I've learned to be a lot more positive about everything," says participant Sam. "I've learned to be a lot more approachable, I used to be really closed off, quite scared to talk to people. Now I'll happily go and talk to anyone, I don't ...
If you love stickers, then you will definitely want to check out our Community Sticker Challenge! Join Challenge Fabric Community Update - August 2024 Find out what's new and trending in the Fabric Community. Read More 12 StopPlayStop PreviousNext See All Recommendations Subject Auth...
With the intensification of the greenhouse effect, a series of natural phenomena, such as global warming, are gradually recognized; when the ambient temperature increases to the extent that it causes heat stress in plants, agricultural production will inevitably be affected. Therefore, several issues ...
In 1920s, the world chess champion Jose Raul Capablanca was at the height of his career. He was so much better than anyone else that he was called "the chess machine" due to the merciless precision of his play. So when Capablanca predicted that chess was