Current support of audio playback in Java applets makes the task quite simple, but support in applications is lacking. This tip shows you how to play audio clips in your Java applications. (650 words)
The Java Media Framework API has something to play MP3's. I've never used it and I don't know if you can easily use it in an applet (with all the restrictions that applets have) - have a look at the documentation. Jesper's Blog - Pluralsight Author PageBlue...
以下示例演示如何通过扩展Applet类来创建基本Applet。 您需要嵌入另一个HTML代码才能运行此程序。 import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class Main extends Applet { public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawString("Welcome in Java Applet.",40,20); } } 现在编译上面的代码并在HTML代码中调用...
My Java sound/audio example: I'm working on a simple "meditation" application that plays a sound after a certain period of time (the sound of a gong), so I thought I'd share some source code out here that demonstrates how to play a sound file in a Java application like this. (...
上面的代码示例将在启用Java的Web浏览器中生成以下结果。 View in Browser. 以下是使用Applet显示时钟的另一个示例示例。 import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; public class javaApplication6 extends Applet implements Runnable { ...
i am trying to load dll files from java applet.but i am getting error ava.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no javacdromwrapper in java.library.path at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary( at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0( ...
HOW DO I CREATE A STREAMING AUDIO JAVA APPLETL. R. MooreMoore, " How Do I Create a Streaming Audio Java Applet? ", Dr. Dobb's Journal, v. 23, n. 5, pp. 122-124, May 1998.
【单选题】A382下列代码包括一个HTML 文件和一个定义Applet 类的Java程序。 为了使HTML文件在浏览器中运行时显示” How are you! ”,在下划线处应填入的代码是 / * greetings .html*/ Greetings / * GreatingsApplet. java*/ import java . awt . * ; import java . applet .* ; pubilc class ...
import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class UnderlineText extends Applet{ String s = "Java Howto"; int x=20; int y=50; public void init() { add(new Button("Real's")); } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawString(s, x,y); ...
Graph Element (Child of ToMainTransition) Games Explorer MinAutoFontSize Element Rendering in a Separate Window (deprecated) (Windows) VHD Enumerations (Windows) MSVidAudioRenderer (Windows) MSVidGenericSink (Windows) out (Automation) SIO_IDEAL_SEND_BACKLOG_CHANGE control code (Windows) ClfsMgmtPo...