Starfieldhas an almost unfathomable amount of items and resources for gamers to spend hours upon hours sifting through. You’re able to use things like Nutrients and a wide variety of ores for a multitude of things. Recommended Videos These resources are essential to developing things like weapons...
How to Place an Outpost Beacon in Starfield You can’t just fly off with some lumber and nails and start building your cosmic base with zero preparation. First, you must scout the ideal location to set up your settlement, then place an outpost beacon to mark it. This will also allow you...
RELATED:Starfield: Where to Find the Colander (Alien Easter Egg) Gain Access to The Key Players need to become friendly with the Crimson Fleet to land on The Key space station. The player character needs to commit a crime then visit Cydonia on Mars. The player character will be arrested an...
If you’re trying to loot or commandeer a ship in Starfield, you must first ensure it can’t escape the fight. Disabling a ship’s engines is a precursor to any boarding plans you have in mind. You may, however, be wondering how to pull that off without blowing up the entire vessel....
Shattered Space will also never send you off-planet, so while you’re free to leave at any time throughout, the storyline will only take place on Va’Ruun’kai. Starfield Updates Since Launch Starfield has continued to evolve significantly in the year since its release, bringing quality-of...
Like all cities in Starfield, Akila City offers plenty of opportunities to explore, loot, and complete different side activities. Here is a list of things you can do once you arrive at Akila City. Buy a house Akila City is one of the few places in Starfield to buy a house. You can ...
How To Start ‘Job Gone Wrong’ Talking To The Shaw Gang Breaking Into The Bank Reward One of the best parts of Starfield is the constant flow of distractions. You could be heading to one place, and suddenly, something cool crops up that diverts your attention. This small hitch t...
Logitech G Cloud Handheldand install this app, and you’ll have an easy way to playStarfieldvia Xbox Cloud Gaming, even if you’re not at home or don’t own an Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S. This app isn’t the only place where you can utilize Xbox Cloud Gaming to tryStarfield,...
as in real life, the origins of life inStarfieldare intended to be mysterious. I have always found the theory of Panspermia intriguing, that the building blocks of life (bacteria etc.) are present in many places and have been spread over billions of years by things like comets or other in...
company’s latest game, Starfield, has its fair share of things one can find in previous IPs. One such seemingly happy or annoying element is the Adoring Fan, an NPC who first introduced himself inElder Scrolls: Oblivion. However, did you know that the adoring fan is back in Starfield?