How to store items on your ship inStarfield To move items to your ship’s cargo hold, you will use either theCargo Hold Panelon your ship or theShip sectionof themain menu.Both will allow you to transfer goods to and from the ship. It is important to remember that you can sell goods...
RELATED:Starfield: Where to Find the Colander (Alien Easter Egg) Gain Access to The Key Players need to become friendly with the Crimson Fleet to land on The Key space station. The player character needs to commit a crime then visit Cydonia on Mars. The player character will be arrested an...
You’ll spend a significant amount of your time inStarfieldexploring its vast universe of planets and finding new and exciting flora, fauna, and treasures. More often than you’d think, though, you’ll have to engage in some old-fashioned shootouts using the game’s wide variety of weaponr...
There are a few things that players can do to make lockpicking easier inStarfield, one of which is to upgrade their Security skill. Doing so will cause the outer ring of a lock to turn blue if the currently selectedStarfieldDigipick key will fit into one of the available slots, allowing ...
There are a whole lot of status effects you can suffer from in Starfield, but luckily, you can always get yourself back on track somehow. Here's what you need to know.
have a mortage or theKid Stuff trait, you need evenmorecash to meet your needs — to say nothing of how expensive ships and ship upgrades are. Starfield has plenty of ways to get quite a few credits quickly, though, if you know where to look. Here’show to get money fastinStarfield....
Only four points in Science skills are needed to get to this one, so it's a good one to grab early on. Weapon Engineering (Science) Determines what Weaponry projects you can complete. Like Spacesuit Design, it's only four points deep in the Science tree—for the impact it'll have on...
Dust is the silent enemy of your PC. It can clog up your cooling fans, leading tooverheating, and cause static electricity that may damage your components. You may greatly improve PC performance for gaming, so grab a can of compressed air and gently blow dust away from your PC’s interior...
Another thing to watch for when it comes to ship parts is that they will occasionally be dropped as loot by enemy ships. Therefore, it's important to loot any leftovers from a fight in Starfield, as there can be things of value hidden among the remains, including ship parts. Though ...
washing stations and piles of plastic stools; grab one and pick a faucet. There will be soap, but rarely shampoo or conditioner, so you'll need to bring your own (most convenience stores in South Korea sell single-use packets of various toiletries, andjjimjilbangusually sell them as well...