aMultidimensional scaling (MDS) of Jaccard distances for the functional repertoire (presence of KEGG ortholog groups [KOs]) for each rMAG. Ellipses containing 95% (inner) or 99% (outer) of cluster-assigned data points are shown resulting in four distinct functional clusters (FunCs). Colors indi...
(CEM-Rex against CEM-Control), were input to “Protein with Value/Ranks” application of STRING (v11.5) to perform the Functional Enrichment Analysis (FEA, hereafter). The results were returned as lists of terms in various databases such as Gene Ontology, KEGG, Pathways, Reactome, COMPARTMENTS...
DEG functions were explored through GO and KEGG pathway analysis and the terms which q-value ≤0.05 were defined as significant enriched. This was performed to identify significantly enriched metabolic pathways. 2.4. Proteome with ITRAQ and Data Analysis The samples used in RNA-seq were used to ...