I achieved a ‘B’ grade in my final GCSE maths exam. I was chuffed because this result enabled me to study A-Level Chemistry. I’ve used your revision principles again and this has helped me immensely in this subject. Thank you so much Jeevan.. my ‘B...
What can teachers do to support students who miss their grades on GCSE results day? Here’s a checklist of the options you can offer them
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BSc Chemistry (2:1 Hons), September 2005–June 2008 University of Cambridge, UK Hobbies & Interests Blogging.Created popular science blogLet’s get PHYSICSalto educate and popularise scientific discoveries to the general public. Toastmasters.10 year member of toastmasters, specialising in delivering ...
Chemistry– A Mathematics– A I’m not here to brag to you about my grades, but to share with you the importance of using the effective study system. This has nothing to do with intelligence, smart, or even hardworking. The only thing that matters is how you study in a way that make...