“Before coming across your guide, I wasn’t highly motivated to study nor confident that I would achieve the best grades in my GCSEs. However, after reading about your success and what your program has done for others, it inspired me to do better and aim for the best results. At the ...
What can teachers do to support students who miss their grades on GCSE results day? Here’s a checklist of the options you can offer them
What Is the Structure of the GCSE Chinese Exam? The GCSE Chinese exam has four main sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. There are two levels: Foundation Tier and Higher Tier. The Foundation Tier is graded from 1 to 5, while the Higher Tier ranges from 4 to 9. Understand...
1000s of online career guides, practice tests and interview question and answers to help you pass any job selection process. How2Become is also a leading revision guide and practice paper publisher for 11+, GCSE or A-Level and university entry exams. Let
Going to university can bring with it not only a range of emotions, but also a whole host of choices that you have to make – some of which can seem overwhelming at times. Accommodation is a major decision, and the choices that you make in this respect r
At the end of the apprenticeship, you’ll have an assessment to check you can confidently perform your role. If you pass, you’ll be awarded your apprenticeship. The assessment is nothing to worry about, you’ll have been building up to it throughout your time at the apprenticeship. £...
Can you study to pass a GCSE exam in just 10 hours? The saying “eat your own dog food” isn’t taken from a government pamphlet for dealing with austerity measures (any savings are likely to be offset... Read More How to make your own flashcards super sticky ...
Art annotations for GCSE examinations or other situations might seem difficult, but the pattern for writing them is actually pretty clear. Begin by examining the formal elements of design that comprise the work. If you are annotating your...
You must choose between the four specialisms of adult, children’s, mental health or learning disability nursing. Not only will you need to pass your chosen nursing degree, but you’ll also need to be successfully registered with the NMC. ...
Proven techniques for any exam that will boost your confidence and guarantee success. Reading this book really will make a huge difference to exam performance, whatever exams you're taking - professional or academic, Master's level of GCSE and A level, essay or multiple choice. ...