Working up your way to getting your own town in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord can be quite an arduous process. Unless you’re using the magic of console commands, you’ll have to put in enough work and, once you do have the fate of a settlement and its population in your hands, you...
Note 2:Assuming you don’t want to recruit nobles, you can ransom them instead in any settlement’s tavern. This nets you a lot of gold and, like the other prisoners you ransom, will help increase yourRoguery skill. Alternatively, you could choose to let them go after defeating them in...
Settlement options Workshop options Tournament options Conversation options You can also tweak a plethora of system settings, such as screenshot format, lens flares, textures, physics, sounds, and much more. — That’s it on how to get and activateBannerlordcheats. For moreMount and Blade 2: ...
Wondering how to start a caravan in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord? While by no means necessary to success, trade is a great way to make seed money to start your own kingdom or network of profitable workshops. Establishing a network of caravans is one means of doing this, but it's not...