Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord’s Town Loyalty and Security sound like daunting concepts, especially if this is the first settlement you get to control. They don’t work in a vacuum and, while the surrounding world will eventually threaten them, you have a couple of avenues to make sure that...
nobles, you can ransom them instead in any settlement’s tavern. This nets you a lot of gold and, like the other prisoners you ransom, will help increase yourRoguery skill. Alternatively, you could choose to let them go after defeating them in battle. This will help increase yourCharm ...
Governors – companions that you’ll assign to manage a city’s growth; they may provide bonuses depending on theirSteward skill; make sure the governor and the settlement have the same culture to help increase loyalty. You can also construct buildings and start projects. For buildings, prioritiz...
We hope to come up withinteresting ways to increase balance without eliminating fun. Roman faction is quite over-powered due to how well thegladii works with RBM - Combat module. We don't want to nerf the gladii, butwe'll be considering other ways to balance out the empire for future ...
Settlement AI Calradia View more...Tag this mod About this mod Revolutions adds additional mechanics to the game, aiming to increase realism and reflect the harsh realities of medieval society. Civil wars, revolts, and plots are all on the table! - All done by nearly 6.000 lines of source...
Towns' loyalty can be affected by its main religion and owner clan leader's religion. This means, if Aserai takes a Northern Empire city, it's harder for them to hold it in their hands. This decreases the snowballing in my small playtest - but it can also increase the chances of rebel...
As a lord, they can help you increase your settlement's stats at the expense of gold and food stocks, while gaining favor with the local notables. As a participant, it gives you far better XP and item rewards (based on your renown).Tournaments are now triggered by various events ...
Adds a settlement population system and new options to manage your settlements, including different settlement policies and decisions. For one, they will make much more money.