When horses’ nasal passages are supported during the cool-down phase of recovery, they are able to move air more easily to cool down and recover quicker. PROTECT FROM EIPH (LUNG BLEEDING) FLAIRStrips reduce resistance to breathing, which puts less stress on the fragile pulmonary blood vessels...
Helpful Hint… Home Remedy for Stuffy Noses Stuffy nose? Eat some garlic! Pungent foods, such as garlic, ginger, and hot peppers, can help to open up your nasal passages. More hints & tips Current Moon Phase Moon Phase Calendar
Open Nasal Passages: Your nasal passages can become narrow due to mucus, a blocked nose, or even a cold. Take a warm bath before going to bed and blow your nose. This will help open up your nasal passages and make it easier to breathe. Clean Your Pillows Regularly: Your pillows harbor...
5. Open nasal passages When we sleep, our body has a tendency to 'fall in on itself'. One way you can combat this is by opening things up before you head off to bed. Blocked nasal passages are one of the main causes of snoring, but there is a simple snoring solution that could he...
Drinking plenty of water and/or warm liquids. Using a humidifier or vaporizer or carefully breathing in steam from a pot on the stove. Avoiding spicy or rough-textured foods which can irritate the throat. Using warm compresses on your face to relieve discomfort and open your nasal passages. ...
If you are suffering from allergies or have a cold, nasal strips could help to open your airways: “Nasal and mouth snoring, and subsequent drooling, mostly occurs as a result of congestion in the nasal passage. Saline nasal rinses or nasal strips can help to clear blocked nasal passages ...
3. Keep the Nasal Space Unblocked Keeping nasal passages open will help with the problem, only if the snoring comes from the nose. Not only nasal strips are useful in this case. Taking a warm shower before sleeping will help anyone with this issue (and it’s enjoyable). Rinsing his nose...
5. Manage nasal congestion If you have nasal congestion, try to keep your nasal passages open at night. Ensure your sleeping environment is free from allergens by regularly washing bed linens and vacuuming, especially if your sleep apnea is mild. How? If you often have a stuffy nose at nigh...
Hay fever, which is also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, causes the nasal passages, throat and eye membrane to become inflamed when your immune system reacts to the virus. Sensitivity to pollen in the air causes hay fever. It is commonly experienced during the spring season when the pol...
he has nasal polyps in both middle meatie (nasal passages), with coloured discharge going down the back of his throat. His doctor explains that this discovery, along with Bill's adult-onset asthma and his symptoms of sinusitis lasting more than three months clearly point to chronic sinusitis...