1. Upgrade Your WordPress Hosting Plan– If you are using a hosting plan that has limits on the number of visitors per month, then consider upgrading to a higher hosting plan. This way, you’ll get more server resources, and your site can handle extra traffic when there is a spike. You...
NTA has issued theCUET 2022 advance intimation slipfor examination city to the registered candidates on July 11. The NTA has created a unique CUET 2022 date sheet for every individual candidate. The NTA CUET admit card for phase 2 will be made available from July 31....
Candidates shall be solely responsible for filling up the online applications correctly. In case of invalid applications due to errors committed by the applicant no claims for refund of application fees/intimation charges so collected shall be entertained by the To avoid last minute rush, candidates ...
Rectificationis filed after processing of return or after receiving Intimation u/s 143(1),to rectify the mistakes in the order passed by the Income Tax department. Only those mistakes which are apparent from records can rectified u/s 154 upto 4 years from the end of the financial year in w...