By default, when either Windows 10 or 11 is not activated, you are not allowed to make any personalization to it. If you open the Personalization tab in the Settings app, you will notice that some options have been grayed out, and an intimation stating the following:You need to activate ...
NTA has issued theCUET 2022 advance intimation slipfor examination city to the registered candidates on July 11. The NTA has created a unique CUET 2022 date sheet for every individual candidate. The NTA CUET admit card for phase 2 will be made available from July 31...
In order to save the system : 1)Turn off and remove unneeded services. 2)Always keep the patch levels update. 3)Enforce a password policy. 4)Configure your email server to block or remove email that contains file attachments that are commonly used to spread viruses, such as .vbs, .bat...