How do we paraphrase? There are many techniques we can use,but essentially paraphrasing can involve three main features: 1.Changing word class(e.g. verbs to nouns) 2.Changing vocabulary(e.g. using synonyms) 3.Changing grammatical structure / word order(e.g. cause and effect;active to passi...
•Paraphrase:•Itisusefultoobserveseveralfeaturesofhow amotheractswhensheiswithhersmallchild.句子关系替换 •Similarly,themuscleswillnotgrowinlengthunlesstheyareattachedtotendonsandbonessothatastheboneslengthen,theyarestretched.•先判断关系•再联想其他的表达方式 句子关系替换 •Similarly,themuscleswillnot...
同义替换/改写是雅思写作重点考察了一项技能。同义替换/改写可以减少用词的重复,也展现了考生的词汇量和灵活表达的能力。 毫不夸张的说,要想拿雅思写作的高分,你必须要很好的掌握同义替换/改写。 下面是几种常见的同义替换/改写的方法。 1/使用同义词(synonym) 使用同义词来替换原词是最常见的一种方法,我们可以通...
1、How to ParaphraseWhat to be paraphrased 动词 形容词 副词 名词(非专有名词) 句型 语态How to Paraphrase 使用同义词(解释) 转换词性 转换语态 句子关系替换 综合 使用同义词 It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves towards her baby.使用同义词 It is worth looking...
1、How to paraphrase研究生英语课程1MEET OUR TEAMMajor:Social workMajor:Aeronautical engineeringStudent No.:Student No.:Major:ArchitectureStudent No.:Major:ArchitectureStudent No.:2ContentsDefinitionWhats paraphrasing?Paraphrasing is a valuable skill becauseReasonsQuick steps to quality paraphraseWell done ...
How to paraphrase the word “healthy” in “healthy disagreements”? 参考答案:Reasonable. 点击查看答案
Here’s an example of hownotto paraphrase: Original source: Residents expressed concern that there are too many fun things to do in town. With so many activities and first-class restaurants, they worried they would never be able to focus on work. ...
Howtoparaphrase一个句子中会有不一样的信息通过改变信息的位置也是可以达到转述的目的改变词序时要注意语法有时候需要增减单词或改变单词的形式以确保句子的语法正确 Howtoparaphrase How to paraphrase 不会paraphrase的原因: 1、客观原因 阅读材料晦涩难懂,可能由于陌生词汇多,或者概念难理解,无法进行概括总结 2、主观...
最新how-to-do-paraphrase精品文档 how-to-do-paraphrase MEETOURTEAM Major:Socialwork StudentNo.:Major:Aeronauticalengineering StudentNo.:Major:Architecture StudentNo.:Major:Architecture StudentNo.:Paraphrasingisavaluableskill Reasons Thementalprocessrequiredforsuccessfulparaphrasinghelpsyoutograspthefullmeaningofthe...
If you’re curious about what exactly it means to paraphrase, or how to paraphrase something, then this is the page for you. byPaige Pfeifer,Sanhita Agarwal, andEmily Perry Whether you’re conscious of it or not, you paraphrase every day ━ we all do. ...