How to Paraphrase Text To paraphrase text, follow these four steps: 1. Read and Make Notes Carefully read the text that you want to paraphrase. Highlight, underline or note down important terms and phrases that you need to remember. 2. Find Different Terms Find equivalent words or phrases ...
You need to be sure to paraphrase articles and add a proper citation. Navigate responsible AI use with Grammarly’s AI checker, trained to identify AI-generated text. When should you reword articles instead of quoting them? If the article passage already has the perfect wording, a direct ...
Reread the original page or paragraph. What exactly did the writer say that your reader needs to know? Highlight the important text, so you can start thinking about how best to paraphrase it. For example, let’s say you’re writing a persuasive paper arguing that cupcakes are the best des...
How to paraphrase correctly Putting an idea into your own words can be easier said than done. Let’s say you want to paraphrase the text below, about population decline in a particular species of sea snails. Example: Source text“Like other marine animals living near heavily populated coasts,...
Without looking at the text, write down what you remember about the general message. Be careful not to write down any parts of it that you memorized to avoid plagiarizing when you’re trying to paraphrase. 3 Rephrase Play with and modify word usage, sentence structure, style, and overall fl...
大学英语教学课件:How to Paraphrase.pptx,How to Paraphrase Definition A paraphrase is a restatement of a text in another form or other words, often to simplify or clarify meaning. 保持句子原意不变,不能篡改曲解愿意 用自己的语句进行表述,不能照抄原句 使用
HowToParaphrase WhatisParaphrase Paraphraseis:•yourowninterpretationofessentialinformationandideasexpressedbysomeoneelse,presentedinanewform.•onelegitimateway(whenaccompaniedbyaccuratedocumentation)toborrowfromasource.•amoredetailedrestatementthanasummary 6StepstoEffectiveParaphrasing •Rereadtheoriginalpassageuntilyou...
how-to-do-paraphrase教学文稿 研究生英语课程 Howtoparaphrase MEETOURTEAM Major:Socialwork StudentNo.:Major:Aeronauticalengineering StudentNo.:Major:Architecture StudentNo.:Major:Architecture StudentNo.:Contents DefinitionWhat’sparaphrasing?Paraphrasingisavaluableskillbecause…ReasonsQuickstepstoqualityparaphrase Wel...
1.Changing word class(e.g. verbs to nouns) 2.Changing vocabulary(e.g. using synonyms) 3.Changing grammatical structure / word order(e.g. cause and effect;active to passive) As well as these three techniques,we can also change the reporting verb and / or the way the in-text reference...
Paraphrasing is an important skill to acquire in your writing. It allows you to put ideas from sources into your own words and avoid quoting large blocks of text. Even if you paraphrase a source instead of quoting it, American Psychological Association formatrequires you to cite the text that...