When times get tough and you feel unmotivated, having that really strong reason why, that strong purpose will encourage you to pick yourself up and get back to work. So I want you to tell me, what is your reason for learning English?当经历困难的时候,当你感到没有动力的时候,拥有真正强大...
If you’re feeling unmotivated, remember that a loss of motivation is just a symptom, not the root cause of the problem. Understanding the underlying cause of your demotivation will make it easier to overcome. People who work from home or have a 9-to-5 office job may feel unmotivated and...
If you are like most people, there are probably plenty of days when you show up to work feeling unmotivated and uninspired. Everyone experiences periods when they feel unmotivated, especially during challenging times or when circumstances become overwhelming. It’s a natural aspect of human behavior...
If you’re feeling unmotivated,reach out to your friends or family for support. They can help keep you accountable and offer encouragement when needed. Another great way to stay motivated is tofind an online study group or forum related to your field of study. You can connect with other stu...
When you really want something in life then it also becomes easier to push through any inner resistance you feel. So if you lose your motivation, ask yourself: Am I doing what I really want to do? If not and if possible, then refocus and start working on that very important thing inste...
Here's the secret trick:One of the interesting things about your subconscious is that it will answer any question you ask yourself. So whenever you feel unmotivated to write your essay, ask yourself the following question: “How much fun can I have writing this?” ...
You like things to be done—and done right. Usually that’s enough incentive for you to stick with a project and do the hard work, even if you’re feeling unmotivated. But even Cartographers need a little boost to get unstuck. Remember to find joy in what you do—if you’re no ...
Your sense of duty to yourself, to others, and to your work propels you to be a highly productive person. You like things to be done—and done right. Usually that’s enough incentive for you to stick with a project and do the hard work, even if you’re feeling unmotivated. But ev...
If you’re feeling particularly unmotivated to study, try cleaning and tidying up your desk, lighting a candle, or turning on soft music or ambient noise. Remove distractions from your space as well, like cell phones, clutter, and other projects you’re not working on at the moment. It ...
What to do when you’re unmotivated to draw? One thing that can help get you back in the groove is to set some simple goals for yourself. By having specific goals in mind, it makes the act of drawing feel more purposeful and less daunting. ...