It’s easy for me to say “just embrace your introversion, it’s who you are”, but I know it’s not that simple. There are good reasons why we might wish we could stop being an introvert. Especially when we compare ourselves with the person we are told to be by society. Our ...
This Feeling personality type views me in terms of his prime values, not mine. So, my pointed opinions might not be the most appealing part of myself to share, initially. It would be better if I could first connect with him on an emotional level before exposing him to whatever my brain...
Like any ability, they can be developed over time. Whether you’re an introvert who prefers intimate conversations or an extrovert who thrives in social events with new people, there’s always room to grow in ways that feel natural to you. Remember, meaningful connections don’t require ...
(1) if you are an introvert.You arrive at an event to find everyone knowing each other already.But then you look more closely and spot the (2) .They are the people who pretend to be reading the ...
You probably want to be your own boss because you want: Flexibility to work wherever, whenever Freedom to pursue your passion The ability to make an impact in your industryYou’re not alone! There are over 582 million entrepreneurs worldwide, and about 29% of them become entrepreneurs so ...
If your significant other immediately ended years of blissful relationship—by SMS—you’d be a little upset, would you not? Some things are meant to be said face-to-face and in person, but others require documentation, such as a request for time off. The specific person should also be ...
you are often moody and unhappy, and you prefer solitude or at most the company of one person to a crowd. You have an aptitude for creative work, and are uncomfortable engaging in activities that require cooperation with other people. You may even be a genius, or eventually turn into one...
If you identify as an introvert, you may not realize how terrific the personality trait can be or how to lean into your strengths and use them to full advantage. The key for introverts is conserving social energy and then using it strategically at choice moments to demonstrate quality relation...
Avoid the temptation, for example, to act as if you love their favorite book if you’ve never read it. Lying to an Advocate is one of the surest ways to lose their respect entirely. Advocates are drawn to authenticity and vulnerability, not attempts to be cool or impressive. So, how ...
2.1 introvert :内向的人 intro- : inward 向内;vert- : 来自拉丁语 verto=to turn An introvert is a person who tends to be more focused on their inner thoughts and feelings rather than seeking external stimulation from social interactions. 2.2 extrovert :外向的人 extro- : outward 向外 An ext...