We’ll look at the causes of high ammonia levels in fish tanks, and from that, determine the best ways to lower or remove it from the tank both quickly and naturally.
Think about surgery.If your ammonia levels are resistant to treatment, and if you are at risk for liver failure or other critical medical conditions, your doctor might recommend liver transplantation.Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of this major surgical procedure, and if it wil...
Here's how to lower pH in a pond: Partial Water Change: Replacing some of your pond water with fresh water is one way to lower pH in a pond naturally. Remember to treat water with a conditioner, like The Pond Guy Stress Reducer Plus, to remove impurities and heavy metals that could...
While waste leads to the appearance of nitrites, it is not the defining cause.To explain, here is a very brief recap of the nitrogen cycle.1. As waste breaks down, it gives off ammonia.2. A bacteria called nitrosomonas breaks down the ammonia into nitrites....
Well, it’s no wonder your nitrate levels are so high. A water change is a great way to instantly lower the nitrate levels in your aquarium. You should also be mindful that nitrates can be present in tap water. This is a particular problem for those who draw water from wells. If you...
to collect the stones and remove them from the body. If the stones are too big in size, your surgeon may use a laser to break them into small pieces first, and then flush them out of the system naturally. A stent is inserted to widen the passage of the ureter for about 15 days, ...
Current space-farming experiments examine different aspects of farming in microgravity (a term to describe an environment with little or no gravity). These experiments could be helpful in the related case of farming on the surface of the moon or Mars, which have significantly lower levels of grav...
the hair, plus the product I always use is ammonia-free. Without ammonia, the perming product cannot penetrate the hair so deeply, so the perms don’t actually last as long as they used to. It’s more of a semi-permanent perm, which has been a big attraction for my first-time ...
Fermentation brings out naturally occurring ammonia in the tobacco, increasing its acidity and allowing the body to absorb nicotine more efficiently. Because it's pasteurized, snus tobacco has less ammonia. Snus users have to be more patient to get their nicotine fix. That's the trade-off for ...
Performing a water change will instantly lower ammonia levels and oxygenate your water. That’s why it’s so important to have fresh water on hand. In fact, if your power is out for more than a week and all your batteries have long since died, then water changes will be your only chan...