In this article, we’ll take a look at all the different ways you can either lower or eliminate the ammonia in your tank. When ammonia levels are too high, your fish may display one or several symptoms, such as a reddening of its gills, or swimming erratically and close to the surface...
When liver damage occurs, its detoxification mechanism does not effectively function.The result is a buildup of toxins and byproducts in the blood, including ammonia. Elevated levels of ammonia can be caused by cirrhosis, alcoholism or liver damage caused by hepatitis.High ammonia levels can have...
If so, your tank is at a high risk of elevated nitrite levels.FishLab Fact: A sudden jump in nitrite levels is called a nitrite spike.Also, if there is a sharp rise in ammonia levels, a sharp rise in nitrites will soon follow.
Blood is also close to neutral. Ammonia's pH is around 11, which is high on the alkaline charts, while stomach acid's pH is around 1, making it a key part of digestion. But what does this mean for your pond? Adjusting to a Proper pH Level You don't have to keep your pond at...
To explain, I am going to do a very brief recap of the nitrogen cycle. Before waste becomes nitrates, there are a couple of steps that happen first. 1. As waste breaks down, it gives off ammonia. 2. A bacteria called nitrosomonas breaks down the ammonia into nitrites. 3. A second ba...
The presence of stones in your kidneys makes your urine more concentrated. The kidney stones are caused due to crystallization of concentrated minerals and make the urine cloudier, stinky, and darker. The strong or foul smell is often compared with ammonia, but it may be due to a urinary inf...
As one example, the production of green ammonia, which is now being piloted, requires both cheap renewable-energy sources, which are in short supply, and cost-efficient electrolyzer technology, which is still in early development. In any supply chain, a vendor misstep, such as a delayed ...
The presence of beneficial fungi in the soil has been shown to significantly inhibit the growth of weeds. This is because beneficial fungi secret acidic enzymes which lower soil pH. The reduced pH levels inhibit the ability of nitrifying bacteria to transform ammonia, one form of nitrogen, into...
Among other things, the ISS uses heaters, insulation and liquid ammonia-circulating loops to regulate the internal temperature. Radiators help release excess heat generated by some of the machinery aboard the station [source: NASA]. Like any home, the ISS must be kept clean. This is especially...
Now that we've reviewed the different product levels used in hair coloring, let's look at what actually happens to your hair. For example, if you're blonde and are going darker -- to brown -- permanent hair color uses the interaction between the ammonia and the peroxide to create a new...