On-time delivery (OTD) is a metric used to measure manufacturing performance across the entire organization. OTD shows the ability of the organization to do what you say you are going to do. When you take an order, you define a ship date. Did you ship it on or before that date? What...
Feder; Robert A.How to measure marketing performance.Harvard Business Review.1965.132-142Feder, R. A. (1965), "How to Measure Marketing Performance", Harvard Business Review, Vol. 43, No. 3 May-June, pp. 132-142.Feder , ...
A Composite Indicator for Supply Chain Performance Measurement: A Case Study in a Manufacturing Company This paper proposes a methodology to develop and implement a Composite Indicator (CI) to measure the performance of Supply Chain processes. It reflects the... R Oliveira,C Cubo,R Estrada,......
Also known as multi-factor productivity (MFP), this measure of economic performance compares the number of goods and services produced to the number of combined inputs used to produce those goods and services. Inputs can include labor, capital, energy, materials, and purchased services.4 Capital...
Productivity is a measure of output relative to input. It's typically expressed as a ratio of what is produced (goods or services) to the resources used in production (labor hours, materials, or capital). For example, if a factory produces 100 units per hour of labor, its productivity wou...
OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a key metric to measure the efficiency of manufacturing processes, focusing on machine availability, performance, and product quality
How to measure company productivity using value-added: A focus on Pohang Steel (POSCO)productivityperformance assessmentsteel industryPOSCOvalue-addedHow should the performance of a manufacturing company be assessed, relative to firms making similar products, at home and abroad? This paper shows how ...
OEE is a measure ofmanufacturingperformance that takes into account all aspects of production, including equipment availability, performance, and quality. It is a comprehensive metric used to measure the efficiency of equipment by calculating how much actual output is produced relative to its potential...
Tensile Strain: Occurs when a material elongates. It's a measure of the stretching of the material. Compressive Strain: Occurs when a material is compressed or shortened. Shear Strain: Occurs when the material is subjected to forces in opposite directions, causing it to shear or slide. This ...
The table below lays out an ESG framework that can help measure and score businesses on ESG performance. While not exhaustive, the framework provides a lens through which to understand the breadth of ESG concerns and issues that businesses are measured against. In addition, the key areas of foc...