How to Make Your own YOGURT, KEFIR, CHEVRE.Presents several recipes of fermented milk products, including yogurt. INSETS: What are Cultured Dairy "Probiotics"?;Cultured Dairy Sources.KeileyLynnEBSCO_AspMother Earth News
1/4 Cup PreparedWater KefirorCoconut Water Kefir(if you have more time, here’show to make your own coconut water kefir) How To Use Coconut Kefir You can use it instead ofcoconut yogurtfor breakfast. Top with berries and gluten-free granola for a healthy breakfast! It also tastes great ...
To make kefir water: Dissolve 1/2 cup sugar in a little bit of very hot filtered water.(I’ve used organic sugar and organic palm or coconut sugar, but will stick with palm orcoconut sugarfrom now on because I read that the less refined the sugar, the better the carbonation.) Add co...
give it a shake, and place it on your counter at room temperature. Traditional kefir was made in skin bags that were hung near a doorway; the bag would be knocked by anyone passing through the doorway to help keep the milk and kefir grains well mixed.Since ...
Breaking down the simple basics of how to make easy homemade milk kefir, a probiotic-rich fermented drink that’s soon to be a staple in your kitchen!
Making greek yogurt: Note: These instructions are for 4 cups of milk, but you can make it in larger batches, if you want. 4 cups is just a manageable amount of milk to work with. Step 1: Scald the milk–Time 3-7 minutes First you have to scald/pasteurize your milk. This means po...
Yogurt is a fermentation (just like kefir, kombucha, and kimchi), meaning it’s created by adding some bacteria (yogurt) to a sugar-containing substance (milk) and letting the bacteria eat up the sugar. So to make yogurt at home, you’ll just need 2 ingredients: Yogurt: Use a good-qu...
What is Kefir? Kefir is an ancient, cultured probiotic beverage, kinda like a drinkable yogurt. (I pronounce it KEE-FER, but I think the “proper” way to say it is “Ki-FEER.) When I first heard about kefir, I couldn’t figure out why I would make drinkable yogurt instead of eati...
How to Make Yogurt Health Benefits of Yogurt More Great Links National Yogurt Association Yogurt Making Illustrated Sources Print | Citation more edible innovations Up Next How Cheese Works Explore More Wellness What Is Kefir, and Is It Good for You? Wellness Should Everyone Be Taking Probiot...
How to Make Coconut Kefir water and Pudding You will need: 4-9 Young Thai Coconuts 1 Body Ecology Kefir Starter several large glass jars with lids cooler (optional) Steps for Making Coconut Kefir Water: Using a cleaver or large chefs knife, shave off top husk of coconuts. With the bottom...