学习如何制作完美连接的图块、避免重复并保持场景可读可以是一个反复试验的经验。在电子书《面向艺术家的 2D 游戏艺术、动画和灯光》中了解有关 Tilemap 系统的更多信息。 以下博客文章重点介绍使用 Unity 制作的复古 2D 游戏并提供了更多 2D 开发技巧:
添加至购物车 30 天退款保证 本课程包括: 3.5 小时 长的随选视频 15 个可下载资源 完整的永久访问权 在移动设备和电视上观看 结业证书 分享将该课程作为礼物赠送使用优惠券 24T5MT071025 适用 Udemy 优惠券 使用优惠券 应用 How to Make a Top Down 2D Action RPG in Unity 2022 评分:4.1,满分 5 分4.1...
So, I create a new tile map which I call ground map, and I also create a corresponding tile palette which I can use to paint the ground tiles. I call it ground tiles and store it in a new folder under the assets folder. Now, I can drag in my ground tiles from the sprite shee...
SVT in the High Definition Render Pipeline debug viewThe High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) debug view shows how many neighboring screen pixels request the same tile. To open the HDRP debug view, navigate to the Unity top menu and select ...
Tilemaps and 2D Extras The engine usestilemapsin some of its demos (the Retro ones, mostly). If you wish touse or editthese tilemaps, you will need to addUnity’s 2D extrasto your project, as most of the tiles in these demos’ tilepalettesrely on them. To add the 2D extras to...
Learn how SouthPAW Games used Unity’s 2D Engine and tools like the Tilemap Editor, Pixel Perfect camera, Sprite Atlas, and more to make Skul: The Hero Slayer an award-winning hit.
This can cause an endless spiral of misery which could leave you thinking VB just isn’t meant to make games! ;)The initial problem that most people face is the desire to use a PictureBox (or any other control) as the logical “Sprite” container for the elements in the g...
Unity and Unreal have some new competition. Meet Godot, a 2D and 3D game engine. Learn what Godot is, and how it compares to engines like Unity and Unreal.
Ever want to blow up your friends? Learn how to make a game like a Bomberman with Unity 3D in this step by step tutorial that will have you setting bombs off with ease.
Hi, I'm fairly new with the Mapbox SDK and I've been working with the Zoomable Map example as a starting point. I'm trying to set the zoom of the map so 2 arbitrary lat,long coordinates are displayed in my viewport. This far I got the bo...