Teachers can browse by activities to find suitable picks to use in class or to set as homework. These include marble-sliding games that have students transform periodic functions by trying to slide marbles through points on a graph. Desmos can also be used as a four-function calculato...
Therefore, y = |x| is sometimes called the “absolute value parent function.” Check with your particular author (or your instructor) to make sure you know which terminology they are using.Absolute Value Parent FunctionAn absolute value function has a unique “V” shape when plotted on a ...
Why would we want to calculate the limit for one side only instead of from both sides? Because for some points it isn’t possible to find intervals on both sides of the point. For example, at endpoints (the point where the function ends), we can only approach the point from one side...
We surf the web daily, and as developers, we tend to notice subtle details on a website. The one thing I take note of all the time is how smooth the animations on a website are. Animation is great for UX and design purposes. You can make an interactive website that pleases the vis...
Scaled Scoring (200–800 per Section): Like the traditional SAT, your raw scores are converted to scaled scores between 200–800 for each section, for a total score range of 400–1600. No Penalty for Wrong Answers: You don’t lose points for incorrect answers, so always make an educated...
If the numerator is multiple of the denominator the resulting graph shall reduce to a straight line (the slant asymptote). To avoid this the numerator must be altered (add or subtract something). So instead of x3 + 7x2 - 10x - 16, make the numerator x2 + 7x2 - 10x - 10. The ...
Just for completion, if you had a general polygon instead of a triangle, you could use this slightly more complex method. Sum the angle of the direction of each edge relative to the direction of the previous edge. If the points make a full circle CCW, the sum will be2*PIand if they...
Ask a question and one of our academic experts will send you an answer within hours. Make sure to include all the information needed to answer the question. Please direct questions about technical support or the Study.com website tocustomer suppor...
A different class of methods use a transform on the argument of the function: g(z)=f[ϕ(z)]g(z)=f[ϕ(z)] These so-called conformal mappings have the advantage that they can move singularities in the complex plane and thereby make the radius of convergence larger without having...
What points are on the graph of f? (d) Use the graph Graph the functions f(x) = \sin x - \cos \left ( x + \frac{\pi}{2} \right ) and g(x) = 2 \sin x. Use the graphs to make a conjecture about the relationship between the ...