animation: movePointLeft 4s linear forwards, movePointDown 3s linear forwards; Here, we have two animations,movePointLeftandmovePointDown. The animation delay formovePointLeftwill be zero because it is the animation we want to run first. However, the animation delay formovePointDownwill be four...
What I would call "the railroad method". If your entity is grounded, keep track of the point it's grounded on, associated with an edge of a specific wall. This requires the different edges of a continuous floor to be linked by some metadata. In this method, it's OK if the entity s...
To this point, we have been sharing what leading a Make Math Moments problem based lesson could look like in a synchronous learning environment. For the educators who have had the pleasure of teaching during emergency remote learning, you’ll know that regardless of whether you’re willing and ...
The lowest point on a graph is called theminima; the highest point on a graph is called themaxima. “Global means “the entire graph of the function” while “local” refers to “a small part of the graph”. Image Source: See: Local/gl...
On a graph, you find extreme values by looking to see where there’s a mountain top (“peak”) or valley floor. Mathematically, you find them by looking at thederivative. At an extreme point, where there is a direction change, the derivative of the function is zero. ...
When I graphed on Desmos, it showed me a straight line. But when I graphed it again, I did get a curvature graph. You do have the correct the function and I do understand your approach to getting your solution to the tea. The graphing tool I used was being a jerk. But let me ...
Edit 4: I think I may have found a start for how to extend the convergence of all Taylor series which can be extended. Based on my above argument of recursively applying the Taylor series, one algorithm could go as follow:Get the Taylor series at the starting point (call it x0x0)...
Now, if you were to add these two waves together, the resulting wave is the addition of every infinitesimal point along the curve. For example, the the value of the first wave at x=0 is 1 and the value of the second wave at x=0 is -1, so if these wave are added together, the...
That's obviously false, so I can verify that A is the right answer. At this point I'm confident enough that I can move on and not check this question again. Another time management tip: If you notice yourself spending more than 30 seconds on a problem and aren't clear how you'll ...
But I do not know how the frequency depends on the load capacity. I have not been able to find any litterature or application notes on this topic, so really hope somebody can point me in the right direction. Best Jens32-bit Microcontroller (MCU)...