Peppermint oil is very dangerous to cats and should be avoided. It can cause tummy problems or pneumonia(4). 3.Excluding Your Cat Try to put yourself into your cat’s place and understand how all these changes make them feel. Even cats who react poorly to a new baby by acting out and...
Ants tend to avoid strong scents, making essential oils an excellent choice for repelling them. Peppermint Oil: Its minty aroma is refreshing for you but deterring for ants. Simply mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and apply around the pool area. Tea Tree Oil: Known for its p...
Our pest control pros have previously told us boric acid (borates) are great for killing ants as the powder disrupts their nervous system and weakens their exo-skeletons, causing them to dehydrate. But make sure you don't use too much as this will only repel, not coat and kill the ants...
We recommendeco-friendly cleaning suppliessuch as theMighty Mint Peppermint Oil Rodent Repellent Spray from Amazon, which is extra-concentrated and will scare rats away without having to harm them. “It is always recommended that with a rodent issue or any other pest issue, a professional be con...
t harm people or your plants. In a spray bottle, mix a spoonful of vegetable oil, two spoonfuls of baking soda, 5 to 10 drops of dishwashing liquid, and 10 drops of peppermint oil. Spray this onto the aphids to kill them. The peppermint oil in the mixture will help keep ants from ...
Spray it on arms, legs, and abdomen after your shower/bath, wait about 5 minutes, then apply your favorite moisturizing lotion or oil. With a little more work, you can make a pretty easy salve to ease arthritis pain. I normally use clove or cinnamon infused oil, but any pain relieving...
These typically kill spiders on contact, but make sure to clean up the residue afterwards. Natural spider repellent. Some essential oils like peppermint oil may be an effective -- if more expensive than most sprays or traps -- spider deterrent. ...
Peppermint oil, also known as Mentha x piperita, has many different uses; it's used for various holistic health remedies, to get rid of garden pests, and as an ingredient for topical lotions. This oil comes in capsule or liquid form. Mix peppermint oil with water to use for a spray bot...
To use peppermint oil for ants simply mix peppermint essential oil and water to make an ant repelling spray. How to use peppermint essential oil to repel ants Make a peppermint essential oil ant repelling spray by mixing 8 oz. of water in a spray bottle with 1/2 teaspoon natural soap, an...
Peppermint oil spray.Peppermint oil is a known repellent. Spray the outside of your home, including windowsills and doorframes to help deter insects. Frequently Asked Questions What are the most common basement bugs? In addition to the brown recluse spider, termites, centipedes, silverfish, and ...