Peppermint Oil Ant Repelling Spray Ants don’t like the smell of peppermint, as it may interferes with how they communicate via pheromone markings. Peppermint is a natural insect repellant. Many people like to grow a peppermint herb around their house to repel ants but you can also usepeppermin...
Peppermint oil is one of the best natural treatments when it comes to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Researchers believe its ability to relax the gastrointestinal wall, as well as cool inflammation, play a role in its effectiveness (11). Studies also show peppermint oil has a significant effec...
Moreover, peppermint oil has proved to be an efficient larvicide and repellent against dengue vectors [30]. In addition, it is utilized as an environmentally friendly insecticide and pesticide for its capability to destroy various pests like wasps, hornets, ants, and cockroaches [37]. There is ...