It may seem a little strange to bathe in a breakfast food, but you may be surprised to learn about the many benefits of an oatmeal bath.
This hearty Creamy Banana Oatmeal Smoothie combines a rich smoothie with your morning bowl of oatmeal. It's hearty, packed with nutrients, and will keep you full all morning. See Recipe How to Make a Healthy Smoothie It's important to pay close attention to each of the ingredients you ...
When it comes to choosing oats,rolled oatsare your best option. Quick oats are too processed (which can create more slime) and steel cut oats are not processed enough. I describe the different types of oats on myoatmeal recipe. But always make sure to buycertified organic, gluten free oats...
Today I want to share a quick recipe for a drink I’ve been really enjoying this past week, homemade oat milk. You can of course purchase it from the the store, but if you make it at home you’ll know exactly what has gone into it. I used to buy it but after reading...
How do you make oat milk not slimy? Over-blending can make the oat milk slimy in texture, which is why we recommend blending for about 30-45 seconds. Soaking your oats can also make the oats more prone to sliminess. Just add to the blender with water and blend! Sometimes heating your...
Homemade nut milk can be used in place of dairy. I can think of few situations where this wouldn't work. Use it in cereals, oatmeal, granola, puddings, smoothies, juice and nut milk beverages. You can be so creative with your own nut milk recipes. I personally love to make juice and...
There you have it your very own homemade Mcgriddles! Whether making them as breakfast fare or a late night snack, they’re sure to be a hit with the whole family. How to Make a Healthier Mcgriddle? If you’re looking for ways to make the Mcgriddle a little healthier, here are some ...
1 cup raw oatmeal water Blend it up and drink the goodness! Thanks. Reply Jessica says: January 25, 2011 at 2:18 pm That’s a great template to keep handy! My main problem with smoothies is that we don’t have an automatic ice maker so I have to consciously remember to make mor...
No need to head to the grocery store - you can make oat flour at home! Here are three easy methods, all done in minutes!
What To Buy When You Don’t Want To DIY A growing number of commercial non-toxic home cleaning products are also available as healthier and environmentally sustainable alternatives. If you don’t have the time or desire to make your own, using these products helps contribute to the growth of...