However, those two need reference documentation in the form of doxygen comments as well. We need the doxygen so that we can say "for full details, see" Rules of Thumb The Kind enum should have one entry per concrete class, ordered ac...
Are there any settings that should be configured to disable the message? In my settings.json, the relevant settings are as follows: "C_Cpp.commentContinuationPatterns": [ "/*" ], "C_Cpp.doxygen.generatedStyle": "/**", "C_Cpp.formatting": "disabled", "C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "dis...
I am trying to compile hdf5-1.8.22 using intel oneAPI base toolkit/HPC toolkit 2022.1. The Configuration without intel oneAPI was performed with the following commnad: CC=$DIR/mpich/bin/mpicc FC=$DIR/mpich/bin/mpif90 CXX=$DIR/mpich/bin/mpicxx CFLAGS=-fPIC ./conf...
Note: You can use Doxygen to generate documentation from these comments. But Doxygen is not generally used because it is more convenient to navigate the code in the IDE. 9. Multi-line comments must not have empty lines at the beginning and end (except the line that closes a multi-line co...
And do I need to somehow produce a custom "board" pack file myself in addition? If so: is there an instruction or example somewhere? I'm surprised it is this hard to make the NXP probe MCU-LINK perform basic tasks on the widely spread NXP processor LPC1114. SWD s...
Now, Let us verify the development tools have been installed or not. To do so, run: $ gcc -v $ make -v Verify if the development tools are installed As you see in the above output, the development tools have been successfully installed in Linux. Start compiling your applications from so...
Hello, at the moment I working on switch complete API of eGUI description into DOXYGEN comment direct in code , give me some time to finish it. The DRM116 document is little bit out date. Petr 0 Kudos Reply 05-27-2013 12:43 PM 3,116 Views robroz Contributor III Hi, please...
This will configure Janus to be built on the/opt/janusdirectory of your system. After configuring the build, run the make command: make Copy snippet And then run the make install command: makeinstall Copy snippet This will install Janus on the defined path on the configure step. Don't forg...
CMake System: MacOS-- Found LibXml2: /usr/lib/libxml2.dylib (found version "2.9.4") Set libyang plugin installation directory to: lib/libyang-- Found Doxygen: /usr/local/bin/doxygen (found version "1.8.15") found components: doxygen dot CMake Error: The following variables are used ...
Note: You can use Doxygen to generate documentation from these comments. But Doxygen is not generally used because it is more convenient to navigate the code in the IDE. 9. Multi-line comments must not have empty lines at the beginning and end (except the line that closes a multi-line co...