为了在VS Code中自动生成Doxygen注释,你需要安装一个Doxygen插件。 打开VS Code。 点击左侧的“扩展”图标(或按下快捷键Ctrl+Shift+X)。 在搜索框中输入“doxygen”,然后选择“Doxygen Documentation Generator”插件。 点击“安装”按钮进行安装。 3. 配置Doxygen插件以符合项目需求 安装插件后,你可以通过配置来满足项...
This VS Code Extensions provides Doxygen Documentation generation on the fly by starting a Doxygen comment block and pressing enter.Table of ContentsGenerate Doxygen Comments in VS Code Table of Contents Features Alignment Attributes Con- and Destructors Extensive customization File descriptions Function...
Generate Doxygen Comments in VS Code This VS Code Extensions provides Doxygen Documentation generation on the fly by starting a Doxygen comment block and pressing enter. Table of Contents Features For how this works, see theCHANGELOG.md Attributes ...
{name} object",// Doxygen comment trigger. This character sequence triggers generation of Doxygen comments."doxdocgen.c.triggerSequence":"/**",// Smart text snippet for constructors."doxdocgen.cpp.ctorText":"Construct a new {name} object",// Smart text snippet for destructors."doxdocgen....