Naff CF, Bechtel J. 2003. Paradigm glossed: How to make an ID debate worthwhile. Reports of the National Center for Science Education 23(2):7-8. Available from: paradigm-glossed-how-to-make-id-debate-worthwhile...
Learn how to make a debate. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 电视节目主持人图片/《家有儿女》剧照/小黑板/录音机 Ⅲ. Teaching ways: Five-finger Teaching Plan Step 1 Review (时间: 10分钟)相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 It’s the thought that counts. Do you have any other colors/sizes/ materials/kinds? Sec...
•2.Takecarefulnotesofwhatyouropponentsaysandnoteyourreactionstowhatissaid.•3.Findyouropponents'fallacies(谬误的推理)inargumentsandattackonthatbasis.•4.Organizeyourargumentseffectively.Avoidfallacies谬论inarguments •Makingeffectiveandlogicalargumentsisthekeytosuccessinadebate.Tomakeyourargumentssound,youhave...
How to debate 英语辩论中的一些专用词语 议题 the motion 辩论 debate 论点 an argument 辩论者 debater 佐证 supporting evidence 正方 the proposition 反方 the opposition 对方 the opposing side 总结 last word, closing speech 对方辩友 the debaters on the opposing side 我方观点 our argument, our opinion...
Referencetothedebate:principlestofollow ActingItOut 1.Proposeandarguethemotioninadirectandclearway.2.Usevarioustypesofevidence(e.g.examplesanddata)andreasoningdevices(e.g.induction,deductionorgeneralization,inference)tomakeyourclaimmoreconvincing.3.Whenopposingorrebutting,attacktheobjectioninanorderly,systematic...
While debating,make use of very simple language,which your audience can understand very easily.Give as many real examples as you can,when making a point.(4)___Thus,the audience will find you much more convincing. 4.Be descriptive. To win any debate,there is something about the human mind...
To win any debate, there is something about the human mind that you should be aware of. The thing with us humans is that if we see something, we believe and remember it much more than something we merely hear!【5】Tell your point of view in such a way that they can actually “see...
大学英语精读教程_How_to_Debate HowtoDebate DefinitionofArgument 1.Toputforthreasonsfororagainst;2.Toproveorattempttoprovebyreasoning.3.Togiveevidenceofyourreasoning.4.Topersuadeorinfluence,asbypresentingreasons.BasicTerms Debate Topic主题affirmative/pro/forteam正方negative/con/againstteam反方...
1 Howtodebate 2 •英语辩论中的一些专用词语 •议题themotion 辩论debate 论点anargument 辩论者debater 佐证supportingevidence 正方theproposition 反方theopposition 对方theopposingside 总结lastword,closingspeech 对方辩友thedebatersontheopposingside 我方观点ourargument,ouropinion 3 英语辩论赛常用语 •A.征求...
Demonstrating how your opponents' arguments fall short against the case you've made is an important aspect of debate. For best results, assign numbers for each supporting point of your case or each series of pro and con arguments, says Schiappa. Whatever source you cite, make sure to explain...