3 秒。Andthemoreyoudoit, thebetteryougetatit.你思考得越多,就会说得越好。Butthinkaboutthebeginning - whatyouwanttosay: maybeyourmainargumentorthepoint, themainpointofwhatyou'retryingtosay.但是想想开头:也许是你的主要论点或者观点,你想说的要点。Andthenmaybeawaytoconcludeortosupportyourmainpoint....
If the colleague is challenging something you say before you have a chance to address the point, note that as well.Agree to respect each other.39 G Constructive debate and brainstorming can strengthen the overall performance of the entire team. Speak to your colleague at a time when you are...
How to debate 英语辩论中的一些专用词语 议题 the motion 辩论 debate 论点 an argument 辩论者 debater 佐证 supporting evidence 正方 the proposition 反方 the opposition 对方 the opposing side 总结 last word, closing speech 对方辩友 the debaters on the opposing side 我方观点 our argument, our opinion...
A basic hologram is easier to setup than you might think. HowStuffWorks It doesn't take very many tools to make a hologram. You can make one with: A laser: Red lasers, usually helium-neon (HeNe) lasers, are common in holography. Some home holography experiments rely on the diodes fro...
There is a best point to how much money it takes to make a person happy, and that amount varies worldwide,according to research from Purdue University.That might be surprising as what we see on TV and what advertisers tell us we need would indicate that there is no ceiling when it comes...
Sean Brown: Did the CEOs you spoke with point to specific things they wished they had known before taking on the role? Vik Malhotra: Many of them said that they didn’t perform as well as they could have in year one, and much of that came down to time and energy management. The dem...
In the case of cooperation between China and African countries, former Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said there are always some people who like to point fingers despite the fact that China has sincerely helped Kenya solve problems and meet its needs with actions. ...
So I went back to work, and I've spent these seven years since struggling with, studying and writing about work-life balance. And I have four observations I'd like to share with you today. The first is: if society's to make any progress on this issue, we need an honest debate. Bu...
So we could say we're looking for common ground – things that both sides agree on or at least understand. Dr Jutta talked about making both sides feel connected. And it's a good point. Even if you don't want ...
Leading innovation is about creating the space where people are willing and able to do the hard work of innovative problem solving. At this point, some of you may be wondering, "What does that leadership really look like?" At Pixar, they understand that innovation takes a village. The ...