In this 2-part tutorial, you’re going to learn how to make a tile-based game with Cocos2D and the Tiled map editor. You will do so by creating a simple tile-based game where a ninja explores a desert in search of tasty watermelon things! By Charlie Fulton. ...
In this 2-part tutorial, you’re going to learn how to make a tile-based game with Cocos2D and the Tiled map editor. You will do so by creating a simple tile-based game where a ninja explores a desert in search of tasty watermelon things! By Charlie Fulton. ...
unity 1/15 创建者:展zhanzhanzhanzzz 收藏 Unity中的网格系统 Grid System in Unity (How to make it and where to use it) 2.2万播放 01 - Grid System in Unity Heatmap Pathfinding Building Area_1080pFHR 23:44 02 - Powerful Generics Added Grid System in Unity Terraria Minesweeper Tilemap_1...
Problem to be solved: to provide a tile carpet set that gives a unified image with a tile carpet of multiple designs. A tile carpet set consisting of a plurality of tile carpetsIt is composed of regions other than the first region 2 and the first region.At least one or more sides are...
Learn how to make a Match 3 game in this Unity tutorial!
The engine usestilemapsin some of its demos (the Retro ones, mostly). If you wish touse or editthese tilemaps, you will need to addUnity’s 2D extrasto your project, as most of the tiles in these demos’ tilepalettesrely on them. To add the 2D extras to your project, simplydownlo...
Get ready to embark on a game development journey and unlock your potential in the world of Unity! 此课程面向哪些人: Anyone who wishes how to learn how to create their own RPG game using Unity. Anyone who wants to make their own 2D games. People who want to create and publish their ...
Now, if you go inside TexturePacker, you can simply drag in all the sprites you want to use in the scene into the software. For now, I will just create a sprite sheet containing buildings, town objects, and two tiles for the ground. To make the sprite sheets readable by Unity, I ...
Learn how SouthPAW Games used Unity’s 2D Engine and tools like the Tilemap Editor, Pixel Perfect camera, Sprite Atlas, and more to make Skul: The Hero Slayer an award-winning hit.
Tile Texture Stretch: if true, the uv coordinates of the hexagon vertices will make the texture stretch to the enclosing rectangle. If false, the uv coordinates will match the position of the hexagon vertices as if it’s enclosed in a circle. If you get distortion when applying textures to...