How to fairly add a homebrew skill? Ask Question Asked 2 years, 2 months ago Modified 2 years, 2 months ago Viewed 5k times 12 tl;dr I want to add some extra skills to D&D 5e but can't figure out how to do it fairly in terms of awarding proficiency. How do I add additional hom...
Perhaps this counts as a frame challenge (rejecting the kind of answer you're asking for in favor of an alternative solution), but I've been there and done that with the kind of homebrew you're describing and it did not work out well in my experience, so I'm trying to s...
The installation script will explain what it will do and will prompt you to confirm that you want to do it. This lets you know exactly what Homebrew is going to do to your system before you let it proceed. It also ensures you have the prerequisites in place before it continues. You’ll...
Some important D&D homebrew rules that SnicklefritzSkad made have to do with how souls, death, and bonfires work. For instance, 5e gold and experience points have been combined into souls, which can be spent like currency or used to level up, just like in Dark Souls; custom rules have b...
Where the introduction ofDnD5.5 might be disruptive is for groups that are in the middle of a campaign, especially a homebrew one. Once these three new rulebooks are on the market, a lot of people are going to want to make the jump, especially if the options provided will make their ex...
How to make a level from scratch Unless you turned yourself into a fly and lived on the walls of Larian's office for a few months, the mod tools will likely to be a bit daunting at first—it's a system for people who already understand the inner workings of Divinity's engine. But ...
As such, players should make the appropriate adjustments to hero stats. Also, a large plantman gets a reach of 10'. Taken directly from Living Jungle, there is no mention of how long the race lives for, that is to say they aren't immortal, they just have no...
When talking about the best dragons in D&D, we had to mention the fact that you can literally playasa dragon. One of the coreDnD racesin 5e (called Species in the new rules),Dragonbornsare tall, humanoid creatures that display many of the physical features of a dragon – some even have...
Tudge: We’re really in lockstep with a lot of what Wizards is doing. We want to make sure that not only do we bring those additional races and classes, but that they’re brought out at a time that makes sense for what’s going on within the overall D&D brand...
However, while generating attributes for an NPC, you should remember to tell ChatGPT to balance it according to the level of the players who will be facing the NPC. As the dungeon master, you should still make sure it’s balanced, but it would do a fairly decent job of trying to balan...