You’ll need to consult your car’s service manual to find the appropriate way to bleed your car’s antilock braking system. There may be a bleeder bolt right on the ABS controller, or you may need to beg, borrow or steal an ABS-capable scan tool. ...
Place the free end of the hose into the container of DOT3 brake fluid. Make certain the end of the hose remains submerged in the fluid. Step 6 Instruct an assistant to press and release the brake pedal until it feels firm, then hold pressure on the pedal. Loosen the brake bleeder valve...
6. Bleed the brake system Bleeding the brake system removes air bubbles and ensures proper brake function. Locate the brake bleeder valve on each brake caliper. Attach a clear hose to the valve and submerge the other end in a container filled with brake fluid. Have someone press the brake...
Step 5. Once you locate the first brake that you’ll bleed, place an end of a strip of clear or transparent tubing around 14 inches in diameter on top of the bleeder screw with the other end into a catch container like an old water or 2 Litre bottle. Make sure the tubing is long ...
STEP 5: Fit one end of a piece of clear tubing (usually ¼-inch in diameter) tightly over the end of the bleeder screw of the first brake you'll be bleeding, and put the other end into a catch container—a discarded beer can or plastic soda bottle will do. Make sure the tubing ...
To start, you’ll need a couple cans of brake fluid, a box wrench that fits the bleeder valves, clear tubing to drain the fluid, and a some sort of bottle to collect the fluid in. You’ll also want a turkey baster or syringe to help drain the reservoir. And, of course, you’ll...
Place a small wooden block underneath the brake pedal to restrict movement and attach the plastic tubing to each bleeder valve individually. Open each valve as your assistant depresses the brake pedal to the block and tighten the valve each time the pedal is fully down. Continue doing this ...
Step 4 – Locate the brake bleeder screwThe next step of how to bleed the ABS module without a scan tool is reaching the bleeding port in the brake caliper. Use the correct bleeder wrench to loosen the bleeder screw, remove the dust cap and take the vacuum hose, tubing and put one...
Do I need a special vacuum sealer to seal Mason jars? No, not necessarily. While there are vacuum sealers with attachments specifically designed for Mason jars, there are also manual methods and hacks (like using a brake bleeder) that can effectively seal jars without the need for specialized...
Locate the rear passenger side brake housing on the rear axle. Open the bleeder valve and place a bucket or pan under the vehicle to catch the brake fluid. Bleed the brakes by pumping the brake pedal repeatedly until all of the fluid has been drained from the system, into the pan. Do ...