另外最好弄个power bleeder,motive就好,否则这个踩刹车要弄好久,还得俩人。 还有pedal不宜踩到底,否则master cylinder里的seal坏了可能要rebuild 。 赞 回复 海马 组长 楼主 2011-10-23 10:51:42 发信人: bibodangyang (碧波), 信区: Xibei 标 题: Re: Brake fluid flush,图文并茂发信站: BBS 未名空...
If you haven't done a major job, like swapping the brake actuator, etc, you can disconnect the 12v battery and do a bleed using a kit designed for one person bleed. This basically has a handheld vacuum pump and reservoir container (~4 ounces) that you connect to the brake bleeder and...
Powered bleeders can be used to bleed the system. Pressure bleeder that pressures fluid through the slave cylinder to the master cylinder, thus expelling trapped air. Vacuum bleeders use a vacuum to suck fluid and air from the system through the bleeder and, by this means clear the air from...
-Bleeding Power Steering System -240sx Rear Brake Rotors -Replacing S13 Rear Brake Pads -DIY BMC Bleeder Kit -S13: AGX + Eibach Pro-Kit install -S13: Tension Control Rod Install -S13: Installing Nismo Power Brace -S13: Replacing lower ball joints ...
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