In this article, we’ll take a look at all the different ways you can either lower or eliminate the ammonia in your tank. When ammonia levels are too high, your fish may display one or several symptoms, such as a reddening of its gills, or swimming erratically and close to the surface...
Consider an enema. In conjunction with prescription laxative medication, an enema can help your body get rid of excess ammonia. Enemas work mechanically to help evacuate your bowels and remove high levels of ammonia. For those who cannot tolerate the side effects of lactulose, enemas are a viabl...
In simple terms, pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline (basic) a water body is on a scale from 0 to 14. Pure water is neutral. It has a pH close to 7.0 at 77°F . Blood is also close to neutral. Ammonia's pH is around 11, which is high on the alkaline charts, while...
Before bringing your Irish Wolfhound home, there are initial supplies that your dog needs to survive. The amount you spend on these initial costs will also depend on whether you have another dog in your home. Some items can be reused for another dog; however, you could still incur these ex...
Non-Toxic– For me, using a non-toxic cleaning solution is top priority. Products that contain bleach and ammonia may effectively remove stains but, personally, I don’t want to sleep on a mattress that’s been treated with those chemicals. If you feel the same way, take comfort in the...
1. Oxygen levels are going to drop. Fast. 2. Temperature swings. Fast. 3. Ammonia will begin to spike Why should you buy power outage gear for your aquarium now? The emergency equipment that will save your aquarium in a power outage 1. Test equipment An aquarium test kit Thermometer 2....
Ammonia -- This alkaline allows for lightening by acting as a catalyst when the permanent hair color comes together with the peroxide. Like all alkalines, ammonia tends to separate the cuticle and allow the hair color to penetrate the cortex of the hair. In addition, various types of alcohols...
The presence of stones in your kidneys makes your urine more concentrated. The kidney stones are caused due to crystallization of concentrated minerals and make the urine cloudier, stinky, and darker. The strong or foul smell is often compared with ammonia, but it may be due to a urinary inf...
appearance onGood Morning Americawith professional partnerKym Johnson, the star was asked if he had been "surprised" by the elimination. "Well, we actually planned this whole thing," he joked in response. "We're coming out with a new video calledHow To DealWith Rejection: The Hoff And ...
What does ammonia do to your body? Exposure to high concentrations of ammonia in air causesimmediate burning of the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tractand can result in blindness, lung damage or death. Inhalation of lower concentrations can cause coughing, and nose and throat irritation. ...