Let’s take a look at its history and find out! What is Discord and why do so many people use it? Discord was founded in 2015 by Jason Citron, who also co-founded the popular gaming platform, OpenFeint. Discord was originally designed as a voice and text chat app for gamers to commu...
and history lookups, which provide more detailed information. AbasicWHOIS lookup will only show you the domain’s current status, where it’s registered, what server it’s pointed at, and other relevant information tied to where it stands currently. A WHOIShistorylookup, meanwhile, will ...
Ans.No, Discord does not show what you look up. Your searches are private and will not be visible to other users. However, it is possible that Discord could access yoursearch historyif you are using an account with administrative privileges. Q3. How can you tell if someone blocked you wit...
If you're unsure whether you want to join a server, tap on the community and use Preview Mode to get a sneak peek at each server's community members, existing rules, or expressions. If you don't want to join the server yet, click Back, it'll return you to the Server Discovery Tab...
Discord doesn’t have an option to save chat natively. But we can use third-party tools to export the Discord chat history. You can export chats both from the direct messages and server chats. There is also a way to export specific messages, so no need to export the entire chat. Most...
You now know how to use the Address Risk Scores add-on by MistTrack to detect malicous addresses on several blockchain networks. If you're stuck, have questions, or just want to talk shop, drop us a line on Discord or Twitter! We ️ Feedback! Let us know if you have any ...
So, when Discord released its Server Subscriptions and Server Shops, I was excited to see how server owners could use it to buildprofessional communities. Here, I'll walk you through what I've discovered and how you can use Discord's monetization features to earn money for yourself or your...
Learn more about log history limits on our pricing page. Important Notice This guide includes references to the Goerli testnet, which is no longer actively maintained. While specific steps related to this chain may not be applicable, the overall process may be valid for other chains. We ...
Over the past few years, Discord has managed to evolve from its gamer-centric user base and attract people of multi-faceted backgrounds. How Discord
Before Discord, we never knew what it was like to have a messaging service permanently store our conversation history in the cloud. To locally store running logs on AIM or MSN, you’d need some sort of a third-party plugin. On Skype, text logs are now kept in the cloud for just 30 ...